Outbound today is much more like being a DJ than a Scientist

Outbound today is much more like being a DJ than a Scientist. I’ve conned myself for a decade thinking it’s scientific - it’s not. Social science perhaps (Psychology?).

Outbound today is much more like being a DJ than a Scientist. I’ve conned myself for a decade thinking it’s scientific - it’s not. Social science perhaps (Psychology?).

We don’t follow the scientific method. No true independent variables. Too much bias. We experiment yes but then attribute cause to things we control when it’s just as likely something we don’t.

When you boil it down, outbound is just a bunch of experiments but just not very scientific. You use data, different offers, and tactics across all available channels to target people that you believe will become customers - usually (not always) before they’ve expressed intent to buy.

Back to the DJ thing. You can’t play the same tunes and expect to keep the punters dancing. What works today probably won’t next quarter.

You change tunes based on your audience happening on the dance floor. Shortest feedback loop possible.

It requires conceptual, creative thinking all day, every day. Who knows? I’ve always wanted to be a DJ (EZ is an idol - Pure Outbound v1 coming soon).

This could just be my own mental gymnastics to keep me obsessed with reaching out to strangers for all these years.

P.S. I'm running Outbound Lift Ups. It’s an antidote to all the zero-context outbound advice you see and generic training I guess you’ve snoozed through.

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